All piercing services require an appointment which can be booked online.
1) Book Your Online
piercing Appointment
2) Sit Back, Relax &
1) Booking an Appointment
At Fattys we value your time which is why we work by appointment only. We also value your health and safety which is why we keep our doors locked and our occupancy low at all times. No more waiting in a busy lobby for a piercing procedure!
We have made the appointment process simple by offering online piercing appointments. From there you will be able to select your preferred shop location, your preferred piercer, your piercing service and your preferred date and time slot. It’s easy so what are you waiting for?
2) What to Expect When You Arrive for Your Appointment
Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your appointment. Also if you are driving to your appointment please account for the time it takes to park. If you arrive late for your appointment you may miss your appointment and not be able to receive your service.
15 minutes before your appointment you will receive a “check in” text from us. The door will be locked when you arrive. Let us know when you’ve arrived by clicking the link in the check in text or by knocking/pressing the buzzer and you will be let in by a staff member. If no one opens the door immediately please be patient. Sometimes we are finishing up with other clients and cannot get to the door right away.
Once in the shop you will work with your piercer to select your preferred jewelry. After you have selected your jewelry you will present ID and pay for your goods and/or services.
3) What to Expect During Your Appointment
Your piercer will first sterilize your jewelry and set up their tools and supplies in the procedural area. Next they will bring you into the procedural area and explain the process. Then they will clean and prepare the piercing site for the procedure and finally, they will quickly and efficiently perform your piercing service.
4) What to Expect After Your Appointment
Your piercer will explain the proper aftercare process for your specific piercing. They will offer you the opportunity to purchase an aftercare kit if you would like one. The piercing aftercare instructions can be found here. Please follow your aftercare instructions for optimal healing and results.
Although caring for your piercing is your responsibility, our piercing staff is always here to help advise you. If you have any concerns or questions about your piercing, you can contact your piercer directly. You can also visit our piercing troubleshooting page which can often quickly answer most of your questions.
5) Appointment Cancellations & Rescheduling
In order to not be charged the service fee, you can cancel your appointment up to 24 hours before your appointment. You can cancel through the cancellation links provided in your email or text booking confirmations and reminders, or by messaging your piercer directly.
If you need assistance with online booking please contact us at


Learn how to take care of your piercing while its healing and beyond including troubleshooting tips.
Piercing Price List
Learn about what piercings we offer, their cost and minimum healing times.
Piercing FAQ
Get answers to frequently asked questions about piercings including appointments, age restrictions and ID requirements, buying jewelry and much more.